The process of choosing a residential school is a bit more complex than it was 20 years ago. The reason is that today there are many types of residential schools created to meet specific needs. In the 1960s, most of the time there were only college preschools based primarily on the East Coast. Those schools, then and today, serve high school kids destined for the Ivy League colleges that their family and tradition have dictated they attend. These college preparatory schools required strong academics and incredible family wealth for a young man to accept them. Today, however, there are many different types of residential schools available throughout the country.
1) As mentioned above, college preschools are still the majority of residential schools available in the United States. These schools require high GPA and test scores and have very rigid admissions policies. All college preparatory schools require students to adhere to a code of conduct, and while they offer the best education available in the country, they have little patience with their students’ behavior problems.
2) Academic Resources / Resource Home Schools is the next category available in the United States. These schools have a slightly lower acceptance standard in terms of GPA and test scores and specialize in preparing children for college; They have innate intelligence but have so far failed to acquire the study skills necessary to be successful in other school formats. These schools are traditionally called alternative residential schools or academic medical colleges and have a good reputation for preparing children to perform in a wide variety of college formats or getting children to graduate from high school with a good foundation for other careers. not a university. The academic recovery schools also accept children with minor behavior problems (fights with parents, minor use of marijuana, etc.), ADD, ADHD. Children on the autism spectrum (Asperger’s, etc.) also know how to do well in small classes, specially trained teachers. However, residential schools are not a place for troubled youth, that is, children with serious drugs, violent or therapeutic problems. In common usage, these schools are known as a place for “good kids who have strayed from the course.” These schools have a structure to encourage improved behavior and higher life goals, however, the focus is certainly on education.
3) Behavioral schools. For these latter children with severe behavior problems, the next category is residential therapy schools or residential medical centers. Although they are sometimes governed by many states as part of their juvenile detention program, most are private today. This type of boarding is intended for children with serious behavior problems, such as those listed above. Drugs, violence, sexual problems are part of the profile of the habitual student body of these schools. By offering a robust therapeutic approach combined with an educational degree in some schools, these institutions are trying to change the lifestyles of at-risk youth to allow them to transition back to society and prevent further interactions with the law that may hinder future progress. In education. systems and society.
4) Military internships. Military internships are available in most regions and offer education in a strong disciplinary or military format. For children who respond well to a very strict structure, these schools have proven to be a solid option. Not all military schools have a strictly military focus, but they all offer a very strong structure combined with the teaching of military principles to enhance the talents of children who do not work side by side in a public or private school.
5) Religious schools. There are a wide variety of religious boarding schools in Melbourne Vic available that allow parents the opportunity to associate with children of common faith, as well as allow religious instruction as part of the curriculum. Many have excellent academic studies and not all require students to be of their specific faith to attend.
6) Others. For those looking for specific types of schools for their children, today there are many options in the “other” category. In particular, we are looking for schools specialized in sports, horse riding, arts or approx.